What is Psoas Syndrome and how is it Treated?
Psoas syndrome is a medical condition that involves pain and discomfort in the psoas muscle. When the psoas muscle becomes irritated, tight, and inflamed, it can cause pain in the hip, thigh, and lower back. The psoas muscle connects the lower spine to the thigh bone and involves many hip and lower back movements. The […]
The Biopsychosocial Model of Pain
Pain and the intensity of pain, as in chronic pain, can have a negative impact on how we function both personally and socially. It can cause frustration and lack of focus and lead to mental exhaustion, depression, and sleep disorders. Understanding the how’s and why’s of your pain is essential in receiving the best treatment. […]
Your initial visit with Dr. Natasha Hayden
It is good to know what to expect when you book an appointment for chiropractic care with Dr. Natasha. We look forward to seeing the whole family soon. Natasha focuses on pediatric and prenatal care; however, treatments for various conditions are available for all individuals from birth and beyond. Your initial visit will include an […]
The transition to Motherhood – Building a Community of Resources
Fitness and Chiropractic Postpartum Dr. Natasha and pregnancy & postpartum fitness instructor Mel Hagn had a live interview together on Instagram. They discussed the benefits of chiropractic care and fitness during and after pregnancy to help with pain and birth recovery for both birth parent and baby. Here are some of the points discussed in […]
Dr. Natasha Hayden, Doctor of Chiropractic in Montreal
Becoming a Doctor of Chiropractic takes 7 – 8 years of schooling to be licensed and regulated, with continuing education requirements. Dr. Natasha Hayden received her Doctor of Chiropractic from the University of Western States in Portland, Oregon. Before relocating to Oregon, she attended school at Thompson Rivers University in her hometown of Kamloops, BC, […]
Pregnancy Back Pain Brace
Pregnancy back pain Brace A major consideration during pregnancy is the three of the joints of the pelvis, and their associated ligaments; two sacroiliac joints and one symphysis pubis. During pregnancy, the hormone relaxin increases considerably. It is responsible for relaxation of the ligaments. As the ligaments relax, they stretch and allow the joints to […]
Headaches and Chiropractic Care
A mild, dull ache, severe throbbing, or painful tension headache along the scalp and neck; can affect a good night’s sleep. Being able to think clearly and calmly allows us to make decisions, process emotions, and carry on with our day-to-day lives. Manual therapy, soft tissue therapy and lifestyle modifications may be recommended. Different types […]
The “Secret” to Top Sports Performance
The “Secret” to Top Sports Performance Bottom Line: There’s a secret behind the success of many professional athletes. A hidden factor that they wouldn’t tell anyone else, and one that never left the elite circle of athletes – until now. Almost all the world’s top athletes rely on Chiropractic care to stay at the top […]
Looking to Relax? Try Exercise.
Looking to Relax? Try Exercise. Bottom Line: If you are stressed out or looking for a little rest and relaxation, exercise may be just what you need. Aerobic exercise is good for your mind and body. It has the unique ability to counter depression, decrease stress, and provide a combination of exhilaration and calm. Why […]
Getting Older Doesn’t Mean Slowing Down
Getting Older Doesn’t Mean Slowing Down Bottom Line: Staying healthy as you age isn’t just about adding more years to your life. It’s also about adding more life to your years! Participating in daily physical activity and exercise can help ensure that you maintain a high quality of life as you get older, as well […]