What Happens to My Body During a Car Accident?
Bottom Line: Your body wasn’t designed to deal with the forces that occur in a car accident. Even though modern cars have an array of safety features, the damage from an accident can range from small aches to life-changing injuries. The force that both your vehicle and body absorb while driving along the road is […]
The Low Back: Your Foundational Core
Bottom Line: Your core is made up of the groups of muscles that provide stability in the abdominal and lower back regions. It includes your abs and the deep muscles that surround and support your spine. These muscles also coordinate the movement of your arms, legs, and spine. Ideally, your core and low back work […]
Webster Technique
Chiropractic Care for Pregnancy What is the Webster Technique? The Webster technique is a specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment, the goal of which is to address the pelvic imbalance. In pregnancy, pelvic imbalance adversely affects uterine nerve function, the structure of the pelvis, and may hinder a baby’s ability to gain optimal positioning. Chiropractic is […]
Sugar – how much is too much?
The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends limiting added sugar intake to 25 grams per day, or approximately 6 teaspoons. Unsure what that looks like? Greatist did a handy photo log that works as a great visual. If the thought of severely limiting sugar doesn’t sound so sweet, you may consider challenging yourself to 30 days without […]
Dr. Hayden is on MAtv!
Dr. Hayden was very excited to be featured on MAtv! ‘Around the block’ is a segment on the series Billboard Montreal. We were showcased in H17 show #11, along with Meta 1111, and Espace Vegan – Dr. Hayden’s very favourite weekday lunch spot! ‘Around the block’ starts at 7:05, and you can see Dr. Hayden […]
Whole30 Challenge
Ah! It feels like spring in Montreal; and although I suspect it’s another ‘false’ one, it got me thinking about getting my bike – and my body – ready for that first spring ride. Winter can be a challenging time to adhere to healthy eating and exercise habits. Exercise and nutrition – along with […]
Posture at work
Did you know that sustained postures and repetitive tasks can be just as debilitating, over time, as more demanding physical labour? This is due to a phenomenon known as hysteresis, or ‘creep’, where sustained or repetitive end-range loading of tissues and ligaments causes temporary tissue deformation. Over time, this can accumulate into micro-trauma of the […]
Stretch for SCM
Following chiropractic care and assisted muscle stretching, this is a simple stretch easily done at home to maintain the optimal length of the muscle. The tight muscle contributes to the upper crossed syndrome. Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds, repeating 3 times per side, a minimum of twice per day. IMPORTANT: Discontinue if sharp or intense […]
Stretch at Your Desk – Brügger’s Relief Position
Brügger’s is a great exercise that can be performed at your desk to break up prolonged periods of sitting. Ideally, you will want to perform this exercise every 20-30 minutes, holding it for 30-60 deep breaths. Dr Natasha Hayden is a pediatric and prenatal chiropractor that is passionate about helping her community discover just […]
Stretch for Upper Trapezius
What is Upper Trapezuis The upper fibers are found to be tight in upper crossed syndrome, and thus require stretching, whereas the middle and lower fibers are found to be weak and require strengthening. Following chiropractic care and assisted muscle stretching, this is a simple stretch easily done at home to maintain optimal length of […]