The Biopsychosocial Model of Pain and Chiropractic Care

Dr. Natasha Hayden, owner of Clinique Chiropractique Hayden Inc., is performing a chiropractic adjustment on a client.

The chiropractic approach to health care has a history that is grounded in key aspects of the Biopsychosocial Model of Pain for spine health and pain management when assessing an individual’s health and well-being. Pain and the extent of pain, as in chronic pain, can have a negative impact on how we function both personally […]

Two Professionals, One Goal! Chiropractic and Breastfeeding

Natasha and Rosa

Learning to breastfeed your baby can be stressful – but it doesn’t have to be. There are many benefits to breastfeeding our babies; however, it’s not always easy! The birthing process can put stress on the head and spine of your baby. As a result of this, your baby may have injuries impacting the body […]

The transition to Motherhood – Building a Community of Resources

transition to motherhood

Fitness and Chiropractic Postpartum  Dr. Natasha and pregnancy & postpartum fitness instructor Mel Hagn had a live interview together on Instagram. They discussed the benefits of chiropractic care and fitness during and after pregnancy to help with pain and birth recovery for both birth parent and baby. Here are some of the points discussed in […]