The transition to Motherhood – Building a Community of Resources
Fitness and Chiropractic Postpartum Dr. Natasha and pregnancy & postpartum fitness instructor Mel Hagn had a live interview together on Instagram. They discussed the benefits of chiropractic care and fitness during and after pregnancy to help with pain and birth recovery for both birth parent and baby. Here are some of the points discussed in […]
Pregnancy Back Pain Brace
Pregnancy back pain Brace A major consideration during pregnancy is the three of the joints of the pelvis, and their associated ligaments; two sacroiliac joints and one symphysis pubis. During pregnancy, the hormone relaxin increases considerably. It is responsible for relaxation of the ligaments. As the ligaments relax, they stretch and allow the joints to […]
Strengthening Exercise for Lower Trapezius
After motion has been restored to the neck and upper back following a chiropractic adjustment and soft tissue therapy, this is a simple exercise easily done at home to strengthen the lower trapezius. The weak muscle contributes to upper crossed syndrome. Start with 2 sets of 10 repetitions, twice daily. IMPORTANT: Discontinue if sharp or intense […]
Strengthening Exercise for Serratus Anterior
After motion has been restored to the neck and upper back following a chiropractic adjustment and soft tissue therapy, this is a simple exercise easily done at home to strengthen the serratus anterior. The weak muscle contributes to upper crossed syndrome. Start with 2 sets of 10 repetitions, twice daily. IMPORTANT: Discontinue if sharp or intense […]